Dr Shahriyar Azizi

Performed more than 4,000 obesity surgeries
Member of the International Federation of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery (IFSO)

Dr. Shahriar Azizi was born in Kermanshah province. He finished his education in elite School in 1978 and in the same year he entered Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with the highest grade in the country. Dr. Azizi was able to complete his specialty in general surgery at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2011 and started his practice as a general surgeon in the city of Mahabad, located in the province of West Azerbaijan, in the same year.
Since 2014, he has been working in the field of general surgery in Mashhad province, and in 2016, he succeeded in obtaining a fellowship in laparoscopic surgery from the University of Mashhad. Dr. Shahriar Azizi is one of the physicians who have very good skills and experience in surgery in the field of classical bypass, mini bypass, gastric sleeve, bypass surgery, laparoscopic hernia repair and endoscopic thyroid catheterization. Dr. Azizi’s record includes more than 10,000 general and medical surgeries, more than 4,000 obesity and slimming surgeries, and more than 70 endoscopic thyroid surgeries, all of which have been successful.

  • Bypass Surgery
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy